Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So we started a coffee company!

About a year ago I had this crazy idea of starting this company. I had worked at coffee shops in college and considered myself to be a coffee lover on a pretty extreme scale but this idea was a totally new adventure. After researching it and thinking about it to an unhealthy level I connected with my close friend who has a huge heart for making a positive difference especially in third world countries, loves coffee and has a extremely sharp mind for business. After talking about it for some time, chatting with others, spending time in prayer and then drinking alot of coffee we went for it!

We want the heartbeat of the company to be about selling and roasting coffee to make a difference. We only want to sell fair trade beans because we believe in workers earning a fair wage. We care about what we and others put into our bodies so we only want to sell organic beans. We care about our environmental impact so we work with a carbon neutral importer and print our labels on recycled paper with soy based ink at a local print shop. We believe business practices like these make a difference in our world.

In the next few months we hope to extend our coffee offerings. We will be beginning to partner in creative ways with a few other organizations that we believe are making a difference in this world too. In addition we will try and do a better job to update this blog as well!

If you have a chance check out our website at:

Take good care


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